Take Time Away. Make Space. Inspiration will come.
Sometimes you need a little time away to make space so that you can hear your own voice again and go your own way again.
It’s easy to get lulled into someone else’s ideas of what your life should look like isn’t it?
Often when we go into autopilot in life and almost zone-out from ourselves, we will come-to at a certain point, because we will all of a sudden realise we are exhausted.
To get back on track, you can take a physical distance from your ‘life,’ but if that isn’t possible, you can also just create distance from people, places and things that drain you and contribute to you feeling exhausted.
Is your head filled with loads of information, thoughts, demands, judgements, ideas and mostly alot of noise that swirls around all day (and sometimes at night too) distracting you, draining the living day lights out of you, confusing you and keeping you stuck and repeating behaviours that do not serve you?
Then I invite you to: Take some time away. Make space.
Well, you could pack a bag with some pants, socks, a pack of sesame snacks and literally run away like a 3 year old throwing a tantrum. But if that's too much hassle and/or you don’t have clean pants, then maybe one /all of the following ideas may assist you:
Refrain from listening to podcasts, youtube videos, news, radio, general background noise/unnecessary information that clutters up your already very busy head
Hide your phone in a wardrobe, preferably one the size of the one in ‘The Lion, The Witch and Wardrobe,’ so that with a bit of luck, you will never find it again
Tell your partner, kids, cats and the dog that you are feeling like you need some peace and quiet and ask if they can bare that in mind for a few days, months, years..Seriously though, let people around you know how you are feeling so it’s no secret and ask for a little understanding
Limit access to you for a while if you feel drained, annoyed, exasperated, unseen and unheard by interactions with some relationships and friendships in your life.
Leave annoying watts app groups that suck you dry
Maybe you can plan a date away by yourself or with somebody you can totally be yourself and at ease with and do something relaxing, peaceful and restorative. What might this look like? What might you do?
Sometimes we get to the point of feeling really tired and fed up and we don’t know why. We may tell ourselves that it’s just life.
And this starts a vicious cycle because when we feel tired and fed up, we can spiral into old, destructive patterns of behaviour ad that just keeps us stuck.
Taking time away allows inspiration to come in place of all the noise and chatter of the outside world.
And that inspiration can help you to realise that there are certain aspects of your life, even small things, that if you changed them, you could transform your whole life.
So take some time away and make space.
Inspiration will gift you with ways you can improve your life so that you can be truly happy in it, as you so deserve..
Love you xxx